Case Study
Visualizing Success
Bezier Games sees MASSIVE presales through 3D Product Visualizations of its upcoming board games.
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Bezier Games
Branding & Product Visualizations
Bezier Games, Inc. is well-known for making richly themed board games for friends and families to play together. They call their games “the new classics” because people play them for years, with replay-ability and accessibility for new and seasoned players alike. As the makers of Ultimate Werewolf, their moniker features a graphically illustrated werewolf silhouetted against a full moon.
In close teamwork with Brotherhood Studios Productions, Some Guy in Anaheim created an animated version of Bezier’s logo, and several product visualization videos, including Castles of Mad King Ludwig and MagLev Metro, to generate presales for several board game projects and expansions. The results: record-breaking funding rounds on Kickstarter that saw projects green-lit within minutes, and millions of dollars in advanced revenue.
For visualization of Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Some Guy in Anaheim created a dramatic virtual indoor environment to complement the game’s aesthetic. Then, working closely with legendary designer Ted Alspach, several game highlights were animated, showing new game pieces, a dual-sided recessed board, custom molded gamepiece storage packaging and expansive “colossal” game pieces.
The follow-up expansion, Renovations, added new levels of gameplay and scores of new rooms and player abilities.
For visualization of the MagLev Metro Expansion, Some Guy in Anaheim created a futuristic presentation stage to coordinate with the product’s branding and aesthetic. Light pulses, rotating “levitation pads” and transformation effects integrated together to show off gameplay features, while for each expansion map, custom environments were created to give the viewer a sense of off-world adventure.
VFX Tasks:
- Branding & logo animation
- 2.5D and 3D model animation of prototype products across multiple funding campaigns
- 3D game-themed visualization environments
Bezier Games Animated Logo
Castles of Mad King Ludwig Kickstarter Campaign
The overview video for Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Collector’s Edition highlights the player experience, giving viewers an immersive perspective.
Colossal Revenue
Hurtling past its initial goal of $10,000, the Kickstarter for the Collector’s Edition of Castles of Mad King Ludwig generated a massive $1.5 Million in funding and never looked back.
The campaign was so successful that a follow-up expansion became inevitable…

Renovations – The Expansion Pack
The animated product visualization of the Expansion Pack for Castles of Mad King Ludwig focused on the more elaborate gameplay and creativity available to players.
Following the massively successful Kickstarter for the Collector’s Edition, an expansion set, called Castles of Mad King Ludwig – Renovations, quickly surged to over $260,000, blowing past stretch goals and broadening the popularity and playability of the board game in new and innovative ways.

MagLev Metro
The sleek, futuristic presentation for the Expansion Pack of MagLev Metro generated huge enthusiasm for the release, both in the market and within the company. After reviewing the animated elements, the response from Bezier’s team was summed up with one word: “Wow!”
14 Minutes
The MagLev Metro Expansion reached its funding goal in just 14 minutes, and continued to speed along, to over $200,000 in advanced revenue.

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